Have a photo, anecdote or an interesting piece of information from the RISC-I development days to share? Please post them here.
Some wonderful photos courtesy of Kevin Layer, Franz Inc.: https://picasaweb.google.com/111700572006925948061/20150212UCBRISCSodaHall?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCOa96Y2QgYm2jgE&feat=directlink
Excerpt, EE Times advertisement c. 1983 –RWS
Here are some photos from the RISC project:
Here are four biographical updates:
My wife Linda and I celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary last September. Our two sons are married, have children, and homes that are within 10 miles of our home. We have two granddaughters, aged 10 and 16, and a 17-year-old grandson. Below is a group photo from our trip to Disneyland for our granddaughter's 10th birthday. Every year we host a one-week reunion for the extended Patterson family with up to 30 relatives, and the next photo is from the 2013 reunion. For fun I ride bikes, lift weights, and compete in the occasional short triathlon, but what I enjoy most is playing soccer on Sunday mornings with some players that go back to the RISC era.
On the education side, John Hennessy and I wrote two architecture textbooks, both of which are now in their 5th editions. My most recent book is (surprisingly) on software engineering, which Armando Fox and I co-authored.
On the research front, after RISC, Randy Katz and I led the RAID project and then David Culler and I led the Network of Workstations (NOW) Project. My current research projects are in software for genetics processing as an application of the AMP Lab and two hardware projects in the ASPIRE Lab. The first is called Firebox, which is intended to be a much larger building block for the Warehouse Scale Computer of 2020. The second is called RISC-V, whose goal is create a popular open source instruction set. (Its name make sense if you consider the Smalltalk on a RISC (SOAR) project to be RISC-III and Symbolic Processing Using RISCs (SPUR) project to be RISC-IV.)
With my wife, Theodossia, we have been together for 27 years now, and we have three children: Ivi (age 23), George (age 18), and Irene (age 16). Our older daughter, Ivi, just got her BSc in Education, as school teacher, from the University of Crete. The photo below, on the left, is from her graduation ceremony, and you can see, from left to right, my wife Theodossia, our older daughter Ivi, our younger daughter Irene, and myself (my son George is not on this photo). My favorite place to relax (and do some creative thinking, too!) is the Orthia Ammos beach, in the Frangokastello area, on the South coast of Crete, where I spend several weeks every summer: the photo on the right is the view of this beach from the apartment that we usually rent there….
On the professional front, after the RISC days at Berkeley, I taught architecture and VLSI design at Stanford for about two years, and then I returned to my homeland, Greece. Although my family comes from Samos (an island in the East Aegean sea) and I grew up in Athens, I found Crete, the large island in the South of Greece, to be the best place for Computer Science in Greece, and that is where I am since 29 years ago, teaching CS at the University of Crete, and doing my research in FORTH –the leading Research Center of Greece. After RISC, my research has been on interconnection networks and on interprocessor communication. Our most project is “EuroServer”, where, with our partners from several European countries, we build low-power ARM-based micro-servers for data centers. See http://users.ics.forth.gr/~kateveni/ for more info.
I currently divide my time on a semi-monthly basis, between New England and Marin County, California. While east, I enjoy reuniting with my many cousins and friends, and devote much time to managing aging family. A more recent focus is helping with events at the Sherburne Nature Center in Tyngsborough, MA, which was a gift to the town from my father & his siblings. During my stays west, I enjoy the many recreational opportunities including bicycling, hiking, kayaking, windsurfing, and cross country skiing. Soon after the RISC project, I was involved in design work for PIXAR, Silicon Graphics, Nintendo, and numerous other Silicon Valley companies; and hold patents in areas of computer graphics performance, wireless, and low-power design. I continue to enjoy the camaraderie of the many friends and co-workers dating back to my Berkeley days.
I am now officially retired, so I only come to my office 5½ days per week rather than 6½ days as before. Now I don’t do Prelims or personnel cases anymore, but focus on what I love to do: Geometry and its applications to puzzles and toys (1), to mathematical visualization models (2), to sculptures (3), and to buildings (4). Examples are: (1) LEGO-Knots; (2) a non-orientable surface of genus 4, i.e., the connected sum of two Klein bottles with tetrahedral symmetry; (3) “Evolving Trefoil” in the Science building at Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, MO; (4) the Jacobs Design Innovation Institute, which is just emerging out of a big hole, where once there was a volley ball court.
My other big love is my family, here shown in a gathering in Tilden Park, just a couple of miles behind our home. Greti and I have been together now for 50 years. Our daughter Eveline has married an authentic cowboy; they and their three daughters live in Sierra Valley, surrounded by lots of open space. André, after having spent a decade in the financial world in Manhattan, has moved back to San Francisco, and we now have more opportunities to goof off together, like doing head-stands at the beach. No longer constrained by a rigid teaching schedule, Greti and I can do more traveling for fun and go hiking in the high Sierras.